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Title Correction of “One Click” patent fee
Writer Admin Date 2006-08-28 Hits 1699
KIPO (Commissioner: JUN, Sang Woo) announced that it would provide a service for customers who are due a refund. These customers will be able to use their refunds to pay the fee for other services through the KIPO homepage. This service will begin on July 1st, 2006.

Until now, customers receiving refunds had to go through the inconvenience of first collecting the refunded amount and then paying fees for other services, or submitting a documented application asking to use their refunds as the fee for other services.

To resolve this inconvenience, the new Internet fee correction service not only allows customers to view their refund amounts and money due at the same time, but also provides them a window to apply for correction and see the results in real time.

KIPO is expecting that this service will resolve the inconvenience of refund and correction, finally contributing to customers’ satisfaction of the patent administration service.

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